Privacy Notice
Through this privacy notice CAMACHO & ASOCIADOS, AGENTE DE SEGUROS Y DE FIANZAS, S.A. DE C.V., who is an Insurance and Surety Agent, hereinafter will be called “THE AGENT” reiterates the all the information concerning his person, hereinafter the Personal Data will be handled confidentially and that both the obtaining, the use, disclosure, such as storage, hereinafter the Treatment, is only made for the purpose of:
Consulting, quotation, negotiation, intermediation, and placement of insurance policies and sureties.
Counsel on the placement of International Reinsurance.
Advice on risk management.
Identification of hidden or unforeseen risks.
Identification of potential solutions.
Give due to compliance with the obligations arising from the legal relationship that exists between you and “THE AGENT”.
Comply with applicable legislation.
Comply with the General Law of Mutual Insurance Institutions and Societies, specifically with the obligations that Article 492 frames.“… Mutual insurance institutions and societies and insurance agents must keep, for at least ten years, the information and documentation referred to in subparagraph c) of the preceding paragraph, without prejudice to the provisions of this or other applicable regulations”…
Customer acquisition and compensation payments in the terms of insurance contracts, offering technical support to you and policyholders on the products and services offered by “THE AGENT”.
Provide support and follow-up for the integration of a claim or claim file in your case; as well as providing information to the insurance company and/or adjusters to achieve the correct and prompt attention, repair, compensation or corresponding payment derived from a claim.
Preparation and control of reports to policyholders.
Provide support and advice on sureties.
Financial management, billing, and collection.
Respond to your requests for information, attention, service and respond to requests for ARCO rights.
Address requests for revocation of consent.
Provide the requested and/or contracted services.
Consult him/her about the people who indicated him/her as a reference.
Also, your personal information will be used for the following purposes that are not necessary for the requested service, but that allow and facilitate us to provide you with better care:
Provide information about our products or services.
Evaluate the quality of the services we provide.
For the aforementioned purposes, we require personal data that fall within the following categories: Identification and contact data; physical description, data on physical characteristics; labor data; patrimonial and/or financial data; hobby, entertainment, and fun facts; health data; data about your sex life; data included in the voting license or identification, economic dependents, and beneficiaries.
By the provision of the current Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals, its Regulations and other current regulations, you must give your express consent to carry out the treatment of personal data found in medical studies or reports, state health, financial or patrimonial information, sensitive data, since said information is considered sensitive.
- I do not consent that my personal data will be treated in the terms indicated in this privacy notice.
- I consent to my personal data will being treated in the terms indicated in this privacy notice.
The required information is necessary to carry out the purposes described in this notice, and the obligations contracted by “THE AGENT” with you, so if you are not in agreement you can express it to the person responsible before they are collected your personal data, or later through the mechanisms that are established for this purpose, however, if you do not give your consent, you cannot provide the service provided by “THE AGENT”.
For the purposes indicated in this Privacy Notice, we may collect your data when you provide it to us personally; via telephone; email; when a client/insured or worker mentions it as a reference, as an economic dependent or as a beneficiary; through other sources allowed by law.
By virtue of the foregoing, from the moment you give us your consent, “THE AGENT” will be able to keep in its records, both physical and electronic, all the information that has been provided to us by you through any means of the posts to your disposition by “THE AGENT” to collect your Personal Data. By virtue of the foregoing, from the moment you give us your consent, “THE AGENT” will be able to keep in its records, both physical and electronic, all the information that has been provided to us by you through any means of the posts to your disposition by “THE AGENT” to collect your Personal Data.
It is important to let you know that “THE AGENT” at all times will refrain from selling or leasing your Personal Data to any third party, in addition to having security measures to safeguard and protect your To companies in the “reinsurance sector”, reinsurance companies and intermediaries.personal data.
However, to adequately provide the requested service, in terms of insurance, bonds or reinsurance, you are informed that to carry out these procedures, it is necessary to transfer the personal data you provide to:
- To companies in the “insurance sector”, insurance companies for the celebration, conservation, cancellation or modification of insurance contracts.
- To companies in the “surety sector”, surety companies for the celebration, conservation, cancellation or modification of surety contracts.
- To companies in the “reinsurance sector”, reinsurance companies and intermediaries.
- To adjusters or personnel, either from the insurance company or bonds or contracted by them, to comply with the provisions of their respective insurance contract or bond policy, solely to achieve due attention, the origin of the policy according to the contracted coverage, the corresponding payment or compensation.
- To Inspectors to carry out risk inspections.
To carry out the aforementioned and request the issuance of the policies or quotes to the insurance, surety or reinsurance company, it is necessary that you give your consent, so we inform you that if you do not agree with the aforementioned above, We indicate the means and procedures through which you can revoke your consent.
We request user information in our secure order form. Here a user must provide the contact information (such as name and address) This information is used for billing purposes and to fill customer orders. If we have problems processing an order, the contact information is used to locate the user.
Cookies improve the ease of navigation on our sites. “Cookie” is the term for alphanumeric identifiers that a web server transfers to your computer through your Internet browser.
When your Internet browser visits a web page, a cookie is generated with a unique and anonymous number to recognize your browser, which is stored in the cookie directory of your hard drive. Cookies can be permanent (they remain on your computer until you delete them) or temporary (they last only until the user closes their browser or for a limited period).
“THE AGENT” on its website uses cookies to record the information of your browsing preferences, as well as technical information (number of visits, the flow of visits, selections and options executed using the mouse or equivalent device), such information is anonymous, in such a way that users are not personally identified, only their computer equipment.
Cookies can be enabled or disabled through the options of your computer and/or Internet browser. However, if you disable this option, some of the custom features on our websites may not be accessible.
Likewise, we inform you that the person responsible for the Treatment of Personal Data that is collected from you under the terms of this Privacy Notice will be “THE AGENT”, who indicates as his / her address for the purposes referred to here the one located on Avenida Juárez # 97-201 Col. Centro Histórico, Cuauhtémoc Delegation, Mexico City, CP 06050.
Likewise, through this Privacy Notice “THE AGENT” informs you that, as part of its concern regarding the adequate Treatment and care of personal information, it maintains various mechanisms, procedures and security measures, both administrative and techniques and physics aimed at achieving the protection of said information against damage, loss, alteration, destruction or unauthorized use. It is worth mentioning that as part of said security mechanisms and measures “THE AGENT” has entered into various confidentiality agreements/contracts with its employees, suppliers, service providers, and related parties, with which it commits them to carry out an adequate Treatment of your Personal Data and to respect the terms contained in this Privacy Notice.
In terms of the “Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Poseseión de Los Particulares”, published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on July 5, 2010, “THE AGENT” has internally designated the ATTENTION AREA FOR PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION as responsible for processing the requests that you or anyone interested may have, from January 6, 2012, in terms of the aforementioned Law, as well as will be responsible for monitoring the proper Treatment of your Personal Data, in terms of this Privacy Notice.
You have the right to access your personal data that we possess and the details of their treatment, as well as to rectify them if they are inaccurate or incomplete; cancel them when you consider that they are not required for any of the purposes indicated in this privacy notice, are being used for non-consensual purposes or the contractual or service relationship has ended, or oppose the treatment of them for specific purposes, or to limit its use and disclosure.
Therefore, any request for access, rectification, cancellation or opposition, as well as any clarification, updating of your Personal Data, request to limit its use or disclosure, or revocation of your consent should be directed to the ATTENTION AREA FOR THE PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA, through the Attention Form on Personal Data, where the procedure to follow to respond to your request will also be mentioned; For the above, you must send an email to the address: addressed to Marisol del Carmen Camacho Salas requesting the corresponding form, or to the telephone number 01 52 55 5510 5021 or physically at the address of “THE AGENT”, Which has been previously indicated. It is essential to clarify that, in terms of the applicable law, so that “THE AGENT” can process any request that in terms of this Notice of Privacy you or anyone interested present you, the owner of the data must comply with the requirements indicated in articles 29, 31 and another relative of the same Law.
Finally, “THE AGENT” reserves the right to modify this Privacy Notice, so it is your knowledge that any change or modification to its content may be consulted through its website .mx, at the address of “THE AGENT” or through some other means of communication that we have with you.